
Friday, 24 February 2012

When to quit your job to start working online?

Working online is becoming the easiest way for one to become his/her own boss today. Traditionally, there were jobs like offering day care services or physical marketing of goods from your own home with the help of networking; but today, the internet has provided lots of opportunities. The number of jobs that any body can perform online is uncountable.
Due to the numerous benefits online jobs offer, many people tend to be blind folded and end up making grand mistakes. I met someone who got a data entry job that was so promising; in that same week he got his first project, he quit his day job. Guess what?!!!... The data entry job was a scam. This meant he had lost his day job, and now a jobless man. I almost took the same decision on winning my first freelance project. What saved me was that the client’s work load was so light that it could not occupy my whole day, and I really needed to be sure that I will ever be paid.

Now the big question is, when to quit?

1.   Stabilized online income. Before thinking of any thing, the first thing you should do before quitting your day job for an online job is to have a stabilized income. You can set a minimum target that you want to earn on a monthly basis. This can just be the basic expenditure on essentials including all bills that you incur in a month. This will help you to remain in your standard of living.

2.    Unmanageable workload. Once the work load from your online projects starts to break you down and you can’t handle it concurrently with your day job, it is the right time to think about quitting.

3.     Enough savings. Another thing to consider is your savings. How much money do you have in your account? Can your savings take care of every thing for more than three months? If it does, then you can think of quitting your day job. Depending on your interest and venture, making money online may not be as quick as you would like. Having enough savings will help you to give more time to concentrate on developing your business as the savings take care of the bills.

I hope these 3 tips will be helpful in making the right decisions in your online career but always remember to have a plan at hand so that you don’t go off track.