
Friday 31 October 2014

Secret of Creating Content That Drives Lots of Organic Traffic

New Research by Neil Patel shows the little hidden secrets of creating content that the search engines really like. I believe you will find some interesting information that you can use to create some really cool content that the search engines will like.See link for the infographic he prepared.

Thursday 30 October 2014


A production company is looking for talented and experienced freelance web designers. The main design platform used is WordPress

Saturday 25 October 2014

5 Signs Its Time to Let Your Client Go

However great your product or service is, in any business there are always clients that are not the best for business... The moment you stop enjoying a task you previously enjoyed, there is a problem. Personally I hate doing things that I don’t enjoy. This is mainly for two reasons; first, my productivity level drops like by 50% and secondly...