
Saturday, 6 August 2011

The best online jobs for Africans

This may seem to be a small blog but i believe if you are to consider what it has to offer then probably this will be the greatest blog you might have visited in your lifetime. I believe the reason you have come to this page is to  know and find an online job that is best for an African. Today the use of the internet is  growing every where in the world and it is only wise of one to turn this into income in this hard financial times.

Freelance Jobs
My story
I will make the story short and be frank to you about my online experience. just like any other African, you get through with books but you end up having nothing to do that was exactly me two years ago. I loved computers ever since when i started looking for a job online i came across too many offers which could see me a millionaire in my country(Uganda) after 48 hours without doing any serious work. This  was a dream, as desperate as i was i subscribed to many of the free ones at a time and made thousands of Dollars in the shortest time...guess WHAT!! All were scam. They never paid what i earned and there was no where to complain since they never replied to my emails. I never gave up i continued subscribing to more this time the paid programs and the same thing happened. I came across a blog which i can not remember, the blog talked about how people are conned from then i learned one thing, there is "NO GET RICH QUICK JOB" on line.

I discovered that the best way to make money online is freelancing. this is because you know the truth And the truth is that you have to work to get money.  You will probably find many freelancer websites, i have done the research for you and the best website for an African is reason being that they always have work for you. Jobs come in every minute so there is no way you will have no jobs to bid on. Their payment options are also favorable to Africans, for example  they can pay through moneybookers which most companies don't pay through. Remember Moneybookers is available in all African countries.

get a moneybooker account here for free,

GOOD LUCK in making money online.
Don't let them con you Never pay for any job online.
contact me if you need any help.