
Friday, 25 November 2011

Working online successfully

Freelance Jobs

I came across this article By Dr. Kevin Nunley and i thought it could help you.

I get a BIG chuckle out of experts who preach the joys of working from home. Magazines often feature a photo of a nicely dressed model with her full attention focused on a client on the phone. Her equally nicely-dressed child quietly explores an educational toy on the floor beside her. That's never the way it works at my house. As I write this from home, my 15 year-old is bouncing a basketball off the outside of my office, my 12 year-old is blaring her new Back Street Boys CD, the kindergartner has just let the neighbor's dog into the living room, and my toddler is trying to climb onto my shoulders while attempting to shut the computer off. Experts advise this isn't the way a successful work-at-home business is supposed to operate. The professional home-worker is told to make clients think she is in a big, plush office in a mirror-covered professional building. "Never allow noise from kids and pets and never answer the phone 'hello.' Clients won't take you seriously," they write. Uh oh, I'm in trouble. Let's be realistic for a second. Of the six million North Americans who work from their houses, I'll bet more than half have noisy kids, dogs, and unfolded laundry competing for their attention. Yet, studies routinely show work-at-homers often get as much or more done than those in the office. Here are a few ideas to help you succeed with a home business when you have lots of family responsibilities to deal with at the same time:

1. Don't worry about kids interrupting a phone call. Being there for family is cool these days. The vast majority of business people wish THEY were at home with their kids. More often than not, when a small voice starts demanding a popsicle in the middle of an important negotiation, the client on the other end will be delighted. "Are you working at home? How neat! Isn't it wonderful that you can be there for your kids," your client will say.

2. Working non-stop with full concentration is only for people locked in a corporate office. Get used to working in a start-and-stop fashion. When you see your work is about to be interrupted, don't stop at a natural place. Stop in the middle. It will help you get re-started when time allows. The feeling you MUST be constantly productive at all times is a recent invention of our industrial societies. The majority of the world's people are much more laid back. Take a little more time to get a project finished. Oddly, your productivity will increase.

3. If you are a firm of one, promote your one-ness to the world. Every customer wants to feel like they can talk to the person in charge. That's never a problem for people who do business with you. Think of all the big corporations that strive to be identified with their founder. Microsoft has Bill Gates, KFC has the Colonel, and Wendy's has Dave. They spend millions to insure you identify their mammoth corporation with a single individual in charge.

4. Get over the idea that TV is bad for kids. It is a popular, healthy, worthwhile activity when used wisely in moderate doses. Most of TV's criticism is perpetrated by people who sell books. There are a lot of terrifically educational TV programs and videos that kids love to watch. Plan to get a project underway while the kids (we'll include spouses, too) engage in some quality TV consumption. A few hundred years ago people ALWAYS worked with their kids under foot. It was only when business became dominated by factories that workers were forced to leave their children at home (and even then, it took at least 100 years to make workers change). You certainly CAN be a success working at home while taking care of children--even if your children are rowdy, noisy, and demanding.
The articles I've written (which are read by 1 million people each week) were all written with various children sleeping on my lap, pulling my hair, or trying to delete the file. I earn a good living working at home and YOU CAN TOO! Just don't expect me to always pick up the phone when you call. It's not that I don't want to talk with you, but probably that my 2 year-old has just swiped my keys and is heading for the 

Freelance Jobs 

About the Author Kevin Nunley provides marketing advice and copy writing for businesses and organizations. Read all his money-saving marketing tips at Reach him at or (801)253-4536.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

How to make money through Facebook in Africa.

I greatly doubt if there is any one who has no idea what Facebook is in. If you don’t know Facebook, then you just know that this method of making money online is not the best for you. Day by day the number of internet users is growing world over due to it’s numerous advantages it has come with. I am posting this this blog because I found out that there are a lot of people who would like to make sense out of Facebook rather than just connect with friends and people you don’t even know. Take a second and think about the number of friends that you have. What if all your friends gave you $1 each in a day, how much would that change your life.

BUT,… there is one thing you should think of when you are planning to make money out of Facebook and that is MARKETING. Basically any product can be sold through Facebook, be it digital or not. So the first thing you have to do is to have the love for marketing. Just like any other thing if you don’t have the passion for it you will NEVER succeed.

You can choose to market your own product or just look for a product online or a website that you can market. Don’t forget that there are lot’s of scams online, I would recommend you signup in freelancer and look for companies that need people to market their websites or products. I like getting them through freelancer because I feel safe and secure that I will be paid as all the companies are genuine and they would not like to loose their integrity and credibility. Secondly freelancer is available in all African countries.

After all that is done, you can now go to your Facebook account and follow these steps.
1-      Make the right friends. Concentrate on making the right friends. By the right friends I mean the potential customers, people whom you think are the most in need of the product that you are marketing.
2-      Like fan pages. This is actually the best place to find potential customers as being a fan will definitely show that they like what it is about. Try fan pages with information relative to what you are marketing.
3-      Post, post and post. After making enough friends,[I am talking about not less than 2000 friends and having liked a lot of fan pages, place posts every where you find your self. Then link your posts to url provided to you by the website you work for.

This is a proved way of getting traffic through Facebook, I thought it wise to share this because I have just used it for 2 weeks but I get an average of 300 visitors out of which about 30% take the product making myself a minimum of $90 every day. I don’t consider this bad since I am just a beginner.
Good luck my fellow Africans in the search for online money.